jmglov's blog
A blog about stuff but also things.
Why can't I just run around Lake Mälaren?
- 2025-01-02
Why can't I just?
- 2025-01-01
Building a podcast with Clojure
- 2024-09-18
Soundcljoud gets more rangey
- 2024-08-13
Soundcljoud gets more cloudy
- 2024-07-20
Soundcljoud, or a young man's Soundcloud clonejure
- 2024-07-09
cljcastr, or a young man's Zencastr clonejure
- 2024-02-22
The 40 rules of loving Elif Şafak
- 2024-02-14
Playing on the Babashka playground
- 2024-02-13
Boring boring Arsenal
- 2024-02-12
Counting blog posts in 50 simple steps
- 2024-02-09
Back in the hammock again
- 2024-02-08
clickr goes frontend
- 2024-01-22
clickr, or a young man's Flickr clonejure
- 2024-01-17
Awno! Here we go!
- 2023-11-12
Awno! Mutilating awyeah-api
- 2023-11-11
Blambda analyses sites
- 2023-01-04
Over-Engineering Improv
- 2022-12-11
Page 2
- 2022-10-02
Paging Doctor AWS
- 2022-09-22
Retrospecting the blog
- 2022-09-10
Dogfooding Blambda 5: To parse—perchance to dream
- 2022-09-01
Keep on running
- 2022-08-31
What's the most important thing?
- 2022-08-29
Do the most important thing first
- 2022-08-27
We're doing software wrong
- 2022-08-26
Scientific Music
- 2022-08-25
Hacking the blog: social sharing
- 2022-08-17
Dogfooding Blambda 4: CLI, CLIier, CLIiest
- 2022-08-11
Dogfooding Blambda 3: CLIify this!
- 2022-08-10
Dogfooding Blambda : I heard you liked layers
- 2022-08-09
Here we go again!
- 2022-08-05
Reviewing tech interviewing
- 2022-08-03
Back in business
- 2022-08-02
For a few dollars more
- 2022-07-31
If you can't stand the heat, get off the planet
- 2022-07-29
The deserving poor
- 2022-07-28
- 2022-07-27
The winds, they ain't a changin'
- 2022-07-24
A comedy of errors
- 2022-07-23
The best part of waking up
- 2022-07-22
So close!
- 2022-07-21
Mile high club
- 2022-07-20
Football or dogs?
- 2022-07-18
Now that's more like it!
- 2022-07-17
A portrait of the coder as a young(-ish) man
- 2022-07-16
Hacking the blog: actually caching
- 2022-07-15
Hacking the blog: REPLing to victory
- 2022-07-14
Oh my goodness now what have I done?
- 2022-07-13
Some stuff I learned today
- 2022-07-12
Hacking the blog: caching
- 2022-07-11
Hands off women's football
- 2022-07-10
Story of a mediocre fan: chapter 4
- 2022-07-09
A quick check-in
- 2022-07-08
Story of a mediocre writer
- 2022-07-07
Hacking the blog: categories
- 2022-07-06
Hacking the blog: favicon
- 2022-07-05
Dogfooding Blambda! : revenge of the pod people
- 2022-07-04
- 2022-07-03
Two simple things
- 2022-07-02
The Warsaw Pact
- 2022-07-01
Story of a mediocre fan: chapter 3
- 2022-06-30
Rover's birthday
- 2022-06-29
Hotter than hell... sinki
- 2022-06-28
Tennis, anyone?
- 2022-06-27
Tying off loose ends
- 2022-06-26
- 2022-06-25
Using HTTPS with S3 static website hosting in 50 simple steps
- 2022-06-24
Story of a mediocre fan: chapter 2
- 2022-06-23
Those about to rock
- 2022-06-22
The old todo list
- 2022-06-21
Installing Steam on NixOS in 50 simple steps
- 2022-06-20
Actually blogging with Clojure
- 2022-06-19
Aberrant poetry
- 2022-06-18
Creating a blog with Clojure in 50 simple steps
- 2022-06-17
Story of a mediocre fan
- 2022-06-16
Summertime (and the writing ain’t easy)
- 2022-06-15