Dogfooding Blambda! : revenge of the pod people

Today I finally tried to use Blambda! for something real: a log parser for my HTTP access logs that S3 and Cloudfront write to my logs bucket. You can follow along with my fun on Github: jmglov/s3-log-parser.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

  1. Create a lambda function that downloads access logs from S3 for a certain date range, parses them, and then returns some useful information
  2. Save that useful information to a database
  3. Write another function that provides some cool analytics on traffic going to my blog and use a Lambda Function URL to serve it up over HTTPS

I'm sure this will change quite drastically as I go, but it seems like a fun problem that will find the rough edges with Blambda!

Here's how I proceeded.

Creating a lambda handler

In my project, I created a simple handler in src/s3_log_parser.clj:

(ns s3-log-parser)

(defn handler [event context]
  (prn {:msg "Invoked with event",
        :data {:event event}})

This will just log the event it was invoked with and then return an empty map (or JSON object, if you must).

Since this lambda will eventually interact with S3, I decided to bite the bullet and include the babashka-aws pod. I created a src/bb.edn like this:

{:paths ["."]
 :pods {org.babashka/aws {:version "0.1.2"}}}

This bb.edn will be picked up by Babashka when it is executing my lambda, since Blambda! runs bb from the directory where my lambda archive is unpacked ($LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT, for those of you familiar with building custom runtimes).

Packaging my lambda

I created a top-level bb.edn, which is used for defining Babashka tasks to build and deploy my function (not to be confused with src/bb.edn, which will be used at lambda runtime). The build task looks like this:

build {:doc "Builds lambda artifact"
       :requires ([ :refer [sh]])
       :task (let [{:keys [target-dir work-dir]} (th/parse-args)
                   work-dir (str work-dir "/lambda")
                   src-dir "src"
                   lambda-zipfile (th/target-file target-dir "")]
               (doseq [dir [target-dir work-dir]]
                 (fs/create-dirs dir))

               (doseq [f ["bb.edn" "s3_log_parser.clj"]]
                 (println "Adding file" f)
                 (fs/delete-if-exists (format "%s/%s" work-dir f))
                 (fs/copy (format "%s/%s" src-dir f) work-dir))

               (println "Compressing lambda archive:" lambda-zipfile)
               (let [{:keys [exit err]}
                     (sh "zip" "-r" lambda-zipfile "."
                         :dir work-dir)]
                 (when (not= 0 exit)
                   (println "Error:" err))))}

You can read the source for the th namespace in task_helper.clj if you like, but basically, what the build task is doing is:

  1. Creating work and target directories
  2. Copying the bb.edn and s3_log_parser.clj files from the src directory to the work directory
  3. Zipping all the files in the work directory into target/

Deploying my lambda

My deploy task is pretty straightforward:

deploy {:doc "Deploys lambda using babashka-aws."
        :depends [build]
        :requires ([ :as aws])
        :task (let [{:keys [target-dir] :as args}

                    lambda-zipfile (th/target-file target-dir "")
                    zipfile (fs/read-all-bytes lambda-zipfile)]
                (th/create-or-update-lambda (assoc args :zipfile zipfile)))}

It reads in target/ and passes it along to task-helper/create-or-update-lambda, which is a little more interesting:

(defn create-or-update-lambda [{:keys [aws-region bb-arch
                                       lambda-handler lambda-name lambda-role
                                       runtime-layer zipfile]
                                :as args}]
  (let [lambda (aws/client {:api :lambda
                            :region aws-region})
        _ (println "Checking to see if lambda exists:" lambda-name)
        lambda-exists? (-> (aws/invoke lambda {:op :GetFunction
                                               :request {:FunctionName lambda-name}})
                           (contains? :Configuration))]
    (if lambda-exists?
      (update-lambda lambda args)
      (create-lambda lambda args))))

If no lambda with the name we've specified exists, we call create-lambda:

(defn create-lambda [lambda
                     {:keys [aws-region bb-arch
                             lambda-handler lambda-name lambda-role
                             runtime-layer zipfile]}]
  (let [lambda-arch (if (= "amd64" bb-arch) "x86_64" "arm64")
        runtime (if (= "amd64" bb-arch) "provided" "provided.al2")
        sts (aws/client {:api :sts
                         :region aws-region})
        account-id (-> (aws/invoke sts {:op :GetCallerIdentity}) :Account)
        layer-arns (->> [runtime-layer]
                        (map #(format "arn:aws:lambda:%s:%s:layer:%s"
                                      aws-region account-id
                                      (latest-layer-version lambda %))))
        role-arn (format "arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s"
                         account-id lambda-role)
        req {:FunctionName lambda-name
             :Runtime runtime
             :Role role-arn
             :Code {:ZipFile zipfile}
             :Handler lambda-handler
             :Layers layer-arns
             :Architectures [lambda-arch]}
        _ (println "Creating lambda:" (pr-str req))
        res (aws/invoke lambda {:op :CreateFunction
                                :request req})]
    (when (contains? res :cognitect.anomalies/category)
      (println "Error:" (pr-str res)))))

If you're interested in this aws/client and aws/invoke stuff, this is the aws-api library provided by the babashka-aws pod.

latest-layer-version is a simple function that checks if our layer name includes a version (like blambda:5), or if not, uses Lambda's ListLayerVersions API to select the latest version:

(defn latest-layer-version [lambda layer-name]
  (if (string/includes? layer-name ":")
    (let [latest-version (->> (aws/invoke lambda {:op :ListLayerVersions
                                                  :request {:LayerName layer-name}})
                              (sort-by :Version)
      (format "%s:%s" layer-name latest-version))))

I can now deploy this by running bb deploy (I've pre-baked the IAM role required for this lambda, but it's basically the same as the one from the Blambda! example).

Roadblock the first

The problem is, when I invoke this lambda using a test event in the console, I get an error:

Test Event Name

  "errorMessage": "RequestId: 8292cbcf-2862-4189-97c2-757bc58a4ed8 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1",
  "errorType": "Runtime.ExitError"

Function Logs
at babashka.pods.impl.resolver$pod_manifest.invokeStatic(resolver.clj:123)
at babashka.pods.impl.resolver$resolve.invokeStatic(resolver.clj:175)
at babashka.pods.impl$resolve_pod.invokeStatic(impl.clj:327)
Exception in thread "main" /home/sbx_user1051/.babashka/pods/repository/org.babashka/aws/0.1.2/manifest.edn (No such file or directory)
END RequestId: 8292cbcf-2862-4189-97c2-757bc58a4ed8
REPORT RequestId: 8292cbcf-2862-4189-97c2-757bc58a4ed8	Duration: 594.19 ms	Billed Duration: 595 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 21 MB	
RequestId: 8292cbcf-2862-4189-97c2-757bc58a4ed8 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1

Request ID

Oops! Babashka is trying to load the babashka-aws pod that I specified in my src/bb.edn, but I haven't provided that pod. I could use babashka.pods/load-pod at runtime to grab the pod, but that would mean that my lambda would have a slow cold start. A better idea is to pub the pod on the lambda instance's filesystem, but how can we do that?

The hint is in this line:

Exception in thread "main" /home/sbx_user1051/.babashka/pods/repository/org.babashka/aws/0.1.2/manifest.edn (No such file or directory)

If I can create a .babashka directory in the lambda instance's home directory, Babashka should find any pods I put there. Of course, Lambda doesn't let you do that, but it does let you put stuff in /opt, by using a layer. Searching on Clojurians Slack yielded borkdude mentioning an environment variable, $BABASHKA_PODS_DIR, which Babashka will use for the pods repository.

Now I have all the pieces I need. The first step is...

Packaging pods into a layer

I added a build-pods task to my top-level bb.edn:

build-pods {:doc "Builds pods layer"
            :requires ([ :refer [sh]])
            :task (let [{:keys [target-dir work-dir]} (th/parse-args)
                        work-dir (str work-dir "/pods")
                        pods-dir (str (fs/home) "/.babashka/pods")
                        pods-zipfile (th/target-file target-dir "")]
                    (doseq [dir [target-dir work-dir]]
                      (fs/create-dirs dir))

                    (doseq [pod ["org.babashka/aws/0.1.2"]
                            :let [dst (format "%s/.babashka/pods/repository/%s" work-dir pod)]]
                      (when-not (fs/exists? dst)
                        (println "Adding pod" pod)
                        (fs/copy-tree (format "%s/repository/%s" pods-dir pod) dst)))

                    (println "Compressing pods layer" pods-zipfile
                             "from dir:" work-dir)
                    (let [{:keys [exit err]}
                          (sh "zip" "-r" pods-zipfile "."
                              :dir work-dir)]
                      (when (not= 0 exit)
                        (println "Error:" err))))}

What it's doing is copying the ~/.babashka/pods/repository/org.babashka/aws/0.1.2 directory into the work dir, then adding it to target/

Deploying the layer looks like this:

deploy-pods {:doc "Deploys pods layer using babashka-aws."
             :depends [build-pods]
             :requires ([ :as aws])
             :task (let [{:keys [pods-layer aws-region target-dir]} (th/parse-args)
                         pods-zipfile (th/target-file target-dir "")
                         client (aws/client {:api :lambda
                                             :region aws-region})
                         zipfile (fs/read-all-bytes pods-zipfile)
                         _ (println "Publishing layer version for layer" pods-layer)
                         res (aws/invoke client {:op :PublishLayerVersion
                                                 :request {:LayerName pods-layer
                                                           :Content {:ZipFile zipfile}}})]
                     (if (:cognitect.anomalies/category res)
                       (prn "Error:" res)
                       (println "Published layer" (:LayerVersionArn res))))}

Adding the pods layer to my lambda

Since I'm already using the Blambda! layer in my lambda, adding a new layer only requires making minor changes to task-helper/create-lambda:

Making Blambda! find my pods

The only problem left is having Blambda! set BABASHKA_PODS_DIR when starting bb. This is a simple matter of updating the bootstrap script in Blambda! itself:


export BABASHKA_PODS_DIR=/opt/.babashka/pods

/opt/bb -cp $LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT /opt/bootstrap.clj

Now when I test my lambda, I get a much more satisfying result:

Test Event Name


Function Logs
START RequestId: e0d573c2-5afa-4567-af74-592f12efa094 Version: $LATEST
Loading babashka lambda handler:  s3-log-parser/handler
Starting babashka lambda event loop
{:msg "Invoked with event", :data {:event {:key1 "value1", :key2 "value2", :key3 "value3"}}}
END RequestId: e0d573c2-5afa-4567-af74-592f12efa094
REPORT RequestId: e0d573c2-5afa-4567-af74-592f12efa094	Duration: 109.60 ms	Billed Duration: 559 ms	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 117 MB	Init Duration: 448.61 ms

Request ID

Where to next?

There is so much wrong and gross here:

Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures as I eat my own dogfood!

🏷 clojure aws blambda s3 babashka lambda
📝 Published: 2022-07-04
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