For a few dollars more

This is our last day in Málaga, and we took a walk in the foothills of Sierra de Mijas, the mountain overlooking the little towns along the Costa del Sol south of Málaga. The vistas were really stunning, with a very Wild West feel to them.

An arid landscape with a small village nestled in a valley with a mountain in the background

This is for a very good reason, it turns out. We met my friend Pablo in Málaga the other day for dinner, and he told us that quite a few of the classic Sergio Leone "spaghetti westerns" were actually shot in Andalucía, not in the southwest US and Mexico where they're set. Andalucía also served as Dorne and the Red Keep in Game of Thrones, and Naboo Palace in Star Wars Episode II.

It's been a lovely holiday, with the right mix of relaxation and adventure, plus a healthy dose of Clojure programming. It will be nice to return to Sweden tomorrow for a reunion with Rover, who has been staying with my friend Simon and his family. As you can see, he's not exactly had it rough there:

A yellow dog sleeps curled up in a beanbag chair

🏷 waffle
📝 Published: 2022-07-31
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