Awno! Here we go!

Admission of guilt

Between the writing of the previous post in this series and now, two things happened:

  1. I got distracted by other stuff
  2. grzm fixed the issue properly upstream! πŸŽ‰

I decided to go ahead and post this for the record, just in case there's anything useful for anyone in there, and also to clear my palate (and my conscience) for some new blogging. πŸ˜‰

So here you go:

Just for the record

In last week's exciting instalment of Josh does something inadvisable, we had finished smooshing awyeah-api into an unholy fork of aws-api to make something completely horrific: awno-api. And by "finished", I mean "wrote some code and assumed that it will obviously work".

Of course, even at my most hubristic, I realise that assuming something will work just because I wrote it is somewhat... irresponsible. So I guess we'd better actually try it out before committing to main.

Testing, testing... is this thing on?

awyeah-api has an intriguing bin/tests, which we've previously copied, so let's do a quick replace all of com.grzm.awyeah with net.jmglov.awno:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

repo_root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

cd "${repo_root}"
if [[ -z ${SKIP_BB+x} ]] ; then
    echo "bb tests"
    bb --main net.jmglov.awno.test/run-tests
    echo "skipping bb tests"

echo "clj tests"
clj -X:dev:test:clj

Then we'll need the actual net.jmglov.awno.test namespace, so we'll grab test/src/com/grzm/awyeah/test.cljc:

cp ../awyeah-api/test/src/com/grzm/awyeah/test.cljc test/src/net/jmglov/awno/

Then do the usual replace all of com.grzm.awyeah with net.jmglov.awno:

(ns net.jmglov.awno.test
   [clojure.pprint :as pprint]
   [clojure.test :as test]))

#?(:bb (taoensso.timbre/set-level! :info))

(def test-namespaces
    ;; omitting net.jmglov.awno.signers-test
    ;; Requires which I haven't figured out
    ;; how to port to something compatible with Babashka

(defn run-tests
   (run-tests {:test-namespaces test-namespaces}))
  ([{nses :test-namespaces}]
   (dorun (map require nses))
   (let [res (apply test/run-tests nses)]
     (pprint/pprint res)
     (when (->> ((juxt :fail :error) res)
                (some #(pos? %)))
       (System/exit 1)))))

And then give it a whirl!

: awno-api; bin/test 
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.Exception
Message:  Could not find namespace: net.jmglov.awno.client.api.localstack-test.
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc:32:4

Ah yes, another reason to hate LocalStack. 😠

LocalStack claims to be "A fully functional local cloud stack [which enables you to] develop and test your cloud and serverless apps offline!" In my experience, it is a somewhat functional local cloud stack which enables me to develop and test my cloud and serverless apps offlineβ€”as long as I limit don't use any services that aren't supported by LocalStack (to be fair, the list of supported services is growing), and don't expect the local service to actually behave like the real one. πŸ˜…

Before continuing with my shit-talking, let me just insert my standard disclaimer here:

{thing-which-i-hate} is a perfectly serviceable piece of technology, which many people find useful. I'm not any smarter than those people, and their choice to use {thing-which-i-hate} is perfectly valid. All the vitriol I pour on {thing-which-i-hate} is tongue-in-cheek and should be taken with a serious grain of salt, in full knowledge that I often don't know what I'm talking about, because my experience isn't representative of all use cases, and so on and so forth.

OK, having gotten that out of the way, let's remove all references to the odious LocalStack and move on with our lives!

(def test-namespaces
    ;; omitting net.jmglov.awno.signers-test
    ;; Requires which I haven't figured out
    ;; how to port to something compatible with Babashka

If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again (you gotta dust it off and try again):

: awno-api; bin/test 
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.Exception
Message:  Could not find namespace: net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test.
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc:32:4

Oh come on!

In all the git mv nonsense, we probably just misplaced a file or two, so let's see if we can track this test down:

: awno-api; find test/src/ -name api_test.clj

Aha! There it is. Before getting too cocky, let's see which other test files we're missing:

: awno-api; bb -e '
> (def base-dir "test/src")
(with-open [r (io/reader (format "%s/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc" base-dir))]
  (let [namespaces
         (->> (line-seq r)
              (drop-while #(not (str/starts-with? % "(def test-namespaces")))
              (take-while not-empty)
              (str/join "\n")
         (nth 3))
        filenames (->> namespaces
                       (map #(->> (-> %
                                      (str/replace "." "/")
                                      (str/replace "-" "_"))
                                  (format "%s/%s.clj" base-dir))))
        missing (remove fs/exists? filenames)]
    (println (str/join "\n" missing))))

Babashka helpfully tells us:


I bet we can even track down those missing files!

: awno-api; bb -e '
(def base-dir "test/src")
(with-open [r (io/reader (format "%s/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc" base-dir))]
  (let [namespaces
         (->> (line-seq r)
              (drop-while #(not (str/starts-with? % "(def test-namespaces")))
              (take-while not-empty)
              (str/join "\n")
         (nth 3))
        filenames (->> namespaces
                       (map #(->> (-> %
                                      (str/replace "." "/")
                                      (str/replace "-" "_"))
                                  (format "%s/%s.clj" base-dir))))
        missing (remove fs/exists? filenames)
        found (->> missing
                   (map (fn [mf]
                          [mf (->> (fs/file-name mf)
                                   (format "**/%s")
                                   (fs/glob base-dir)
    (doseq [[missing-file found-file] found]
      (println found-file "->" missing-file))))

And look what we have here:

test/src/net/jmglov/awno/api_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api_test.clj
test/src/cognitect/client/impl_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/impl_test.clj
test/src/cognitect/client/test_double_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double_test.clj

Yup, got them all. Now to put them where they go and fix the namespaces:

(def base-dir "test/src")
(with-open [r (io/reader (format "%s/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc" base-dir))]
  (let [namespaces
         (->> (line-seq r)
              (drop-while #(not (str/starts-with? % "(def test-namespaces")))
              (take-while not-empty)
              (str/join "\n")
         (nth 3))
        filenames (->> namespaces
                       (map (fn [ns*]
                               (->> (-> ns*
                                        (str/replace "." "/")
                                        (str/replace "-" "_"))
                                    (format "%s/%s.clj" base-dir))])))
        missing (remove (fn [[_ filename]] (fs/exists? filename)) filenames)
        found (->> missing
                   (map (fn [[ns* filename]]
                          {:ns* ns*
                           :target filename
                           :source (->> (fs/file-name filename)
                                        (format "**/%s")
                                        (fs/glob base-dir)
    (doseq [{:keys [ns* source target]} found
            :let [fixed-ns
                  (with-open [r (io/reader source)]
                    (->> (line-seq r)
                         (map (fn [line]
                                (if (re-matches #"^[(]ns .+$" line)
                                  (str "(ns " ns*)
                         (str/join "\n")))]]
      (spit source fixed-ns)
      (println "Moving" source "->" target)
      (fs/create-dirs (fs/parent target))
      (fs/move source target))))

Quoth Babashka:

Moving test/src/net/jmglov/awno/api_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api_test.clj
Moving test/src/cognitect/client/impl_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/impl_test.clj
Moving test/src/cognitect/client/test_double_test.clj -> test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double_test.clj

Lets open up test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api_test.clj and see what we've got:

(ns net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test
  (:require [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
            [clojure.test :as t :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [net.jmglov.awno.client.api :as aws]
            [net.jmglov.awno.client.protocol :as client.protocol]
            [net.jmglov.awno.client.shared :as shared]
            [net.jmglov.awno.http :as http]))

;; [...]

Wow! Looking good!

Testing, testing, one two...

Having moved the furniture around, let's try running the tests again:

: awno-api; bin/test 
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.Exception
Message:  Could not find namespace: net.jmglov.awno.dynaload.
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/validation.clj:6:3

OMG, it looks like there was another dynaload that we missed in our previous babashkafication of aws-api. Let's open src/net/jmglov/awno/client/validation.clj see what's going on.

It looks like dynaload is being used for the following three vars:

(def ^:private registry-ref (delay (dynaload/load-var 'clojure.spec.alpha/registry)))
(def ^:private valid?-ref (delay (dynaload/load-var 'clojure.spec.alpha/valid?)))
(def ^:private explain-data-ref (delay (dynaload/load-var 'clojure.spec.alpha/explain-data)))

According to porting-decisions.markdown:

The aws-api library defines the cognitect.dynaload/load-var function to dynamically require and resolve the var referenced by a given symbol. Clojure 1.10 provides the same functionality with the requiring-resolve function. Given that requiring-resolve is compiled into the babashka image, I've chosen to replace load-var with requiring-resolve rather than relying on sci to interpret load-var at run-time.

Cool, so let's replace all occurrences of dynaload/load-var with requiring-resolve, then rip dynaload out of the ns form, leaving us with this:

;; Copyright (c) Cognitect, Inc.
;; All rights reserved.

(ns ^:skip-wiki net.jmglov.awno.client.validation
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  (:require [net.jmglov.awno.client.protocol :as client.protocol]
            [net.jmglov.awno.service :as service]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn validate-requests?
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  (some-> client client.protocol/-get-info :validate-requests? deref))

(def ^:private registry-ref (delay (requiring-resolve 'clojure.spec.alpha/registry)))
(defn registry
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [& args] (apply @registry-ref args))

(def ^:private valid?-ref (delay (requiring-resolve 'clojure.spec.alpha/valid?)))
(defn valid?
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [& args] (apply @valid?-ref args))

(def ^:private explain-data-ref (delay (requiring-resolve 'clojure.spec.alpha/explain-data)))
(defn explain-data
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [& args] (apply @explain-data-ref args))

(defn request-spec
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [service op]
  (when-let [spec (service/request-spec-key service op)]
    (when (contains? (-> (registry) keys set) spec)

(defn invalid-request-anomaly
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [spec request]
  (assoc (explain-data spec request)
         :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect))

(defn unsupported-op-anomaly
  "For internal use. Don't call directly."
  [service op]
  {:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/unsupported
   :cognitect.anomalies/message "Operation not supported"
   :service (keyword (service/service-name service))
   :op op})

Let's go ahead and search the project for any other occurrences of dynaload that we may have missed. Ah-hah! net.jmglov.awno.client.api is also dynaloading. We can repeat the dance of replacing dynaload/load-var with requiring-resolve, then removing it from the ns form, then evaluating the buffer:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: defrecord/deftype currently only support protocol implementations, {:file "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/impl.clj"}
found: clojure.lang.IObj

Yikes! Taking a look at impl.clj, this seems to be the problem:

(deftype Client [client-meta info]
  (meta [_] @client-meta)
  (withMeta [this m] (swap! client-meta merge m) this)

  (valAt [this k]
    (.valAt this k nil))

  (valAt [this k default]
    (case k
      (-> info :service :metadata :net.jmglov.awno/service-name)
      (some-> info :region-provider region/fetch)
      (some-> info :endpoint-provider (endpoint/fetch (.valAt this :region)))
      (some-> info :credentials-provider credentials/fetch)
      (some-> info :service (select-keys [:metadata]))
      (:http-client info)

  (-get-info [_] info)

  ;; [...]

Client implements the clojure.lang.IObj and ILookup interfaces, and Babashka only supports implementing protocols.

Let's see how awyeah-api handles this by looking at src/com/grzm/awyeah/client/impl.clj:

(defrecord Client [info]
  (-get-info [_] info)

  ;; [...]

;; ->Client is intended for internal use
(alter-meta! #'->Client assoc :skip-wiki true)

(defn client [client-meta info]
  (let [region (some-> info :region-provider region/fetch)]
    (-> (with-meta (->Client info) @client-meta)
        (assoc :region region
               :endpoint (some-> info :endpoint-provider (endpoint/fetch region))
               :credentials (some-> info :credentials-provider credentials/fetch)
               :service (some-> info :service (select-keys [:metadata]))
               :http-client (:http-client info)))))

Interesting. We can do the same thing, transforming deftype into defrecord and removing the clojure.lang.IObj and ILookup interface methods:

(defrecord Client [info]
  (-get-info [_] info)

  (-invoke [client op-map]
    (a/<!! (client.protocol/-invoke-async client op-map)))

  (-invoke-async [client {:keys [op request] :as op-map}]
    (let [result-chan (or (:ch op-map) (a/promise-chan))
          {:keys [service retriable? backoff]} (client.protocol/-get-info client)
          spec (and (validation/validate-requests? client) (validation/request-spec service op))]
        (not (contains? (:operations service) (:op op-map)))
        (a/put! result-chan (validation/unsupported-op-anomaly service op))

        (and spec (not (validation/valid? spec request)))
        (a/put! result-chan (validation/invalid-request-anomaly spec request))

        ;; In case :body is an InputStream, ensure that we only read
        ;; it once by reading it before we send it to with-retry.
        (let [req (-> (aws.protocols/build-http-request service op-map)
                      (update :body util/->bbuf))]
            #(send-request client op-map req)
            (or (:retriable? op-map) retriable?)
            (or (:backoff op-map) backoff))))


  (-stop [aws-client]
    (let [{:keys [http-client]} (client.protocol/-get-info aws-client)]
      (when-not (#'shared/shared-http-client? http-client)
        (http/stop http-client)))))

Now we need to add a client function to return a Client record to callers. In the deftype version, fields are implemented like this:

  (valAt [this k default]
    (case k
      (-> info :service :metadata :net.jmglov.awno/service-name)
      (some-> info :region-provider region/fetch)
      (some-> info :endpoint-provider (endpoint/fetch (.valAt this :region)))
      (some-> info :credentials-provider credentials/fetch)
      (some-> info :service (select-keys [:metadata]))
      (:http-client info)

Let's follow the lead of awyeah-api and use a Clojure map to do the same:

(defn client [client-meta info]
  (let [region (some-> info :region-provider region/fetch)]
    (-> (with-meta (->Client info) @client-meta)
        (assoc :api (-> info :service :metadata
               :region region
               :endpoint (some-> info :endpoint-provider (endpoint/fetch region))
               :credentials (some-> info :credentials-provider credentials/fetch)
               :service (some-> info :service (select-keys [:metadata]))
               :http-client (:http-client info)))))

We also need to update the -invoke method of Client to call -invoke-async as a function, not an instance method:

  (-invoke [client op-map]
    (a/<!! (client.protocol/-invoke-async client op-map)))

Note the :api key we added to the map, which isn't present in the awyeah-api version. Taking a look at src/cognitect/aws/client/impl.clj in aws-api with magit-blame, we can see why:

  (valAt [this k default]
    (case k
David Chelimsky	2022-12-01 20:31 add keyword access to :api key on client
      (-> info :service :metadata
Maria Clara Crespo	2022-09-12 11:23 introduce test double client
      (some-> info :region-provider region/fetch)

Since this change is clearly intentional, we ported it over, changing the :net.jmglov.awno/service-name keyword (which resulted from our projectile-replace -> net.jmglov.awno) back to

And now that we've replaced the type with a record, we need to make sure it can only be instantiated using our client function. Let's make ->Client private:

;; ->Client is intended for internal use
(alter-meta! #'->Client assoc :skip-wiki true)

Now, we need to track down all callers of ->Client outside this namespace. There only turns out to be one, in net.jmglov.awno.http-client:

     (atom {'clojure.core.protocols/datafy (fn [c]
                                             (let [info (client.protocol/-get-info c)
                                                   region (region/fetch (:region-provider info))
                                                   endpoint (endpoint/fetch (:endpoint-provider info) region)]
                                               (-> info
                                                   (select-keys [:service])
                                                   (assoc :api (-> info :service :metadata
                                                   (assoc :region region :endpoint endpoint)
                                                   (update :endpoint select-keys [:hostname :protocols :signatureVersions])
                                                   (update :service select-keys [:metadata])
                                                   (assoc :ops (ops c)))))})
     {:service              service
      :retriable?           (or retriable? retry/default-retriable?)
      :backoff              (or backoff retry/default-backoff)
      :http-client          http-client
      :endpoint-provider    endpoint-provider
      :region-provider      region-provider
      :credentials-provider credentials-provider
      :validate-requests?   (atom nil)})

Making the change is as easy as replacing client/->Client with client/client! Oh yeah, and replacing that :net.jmglov.awno/service-name with

However, when we eval the buffer, we get another nasty dynaload-related surprise:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: dynaload/load-ns
{:type :sci/error,
 :file "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api.clj",
 :phase "analysis"}

Apparently there's more to dynaload than just load-var. And strangely enough, com.grzm.awyeah.client.api contains a dynaload require:

(ns com.grzm.awyeah.client.api
  "API functions for using a client to interact with AWS services."
   ;; [...]
   [com.grzm.awyeah.dynaload :as dynaload]
   ;; [...]

No mention of this was made in porting-decisions.markdown. 😭

Let's just copy com.grzm.awyeah.dynaload and jmglov-ify it:

;; Copyright (c) Cognitect, Inc.
;; All rights reserved.

(ns ^:skip-wiki net.jmglov.awno.dynaload)

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defonce ^:private dynalock (Object.))

(defn load-ns [ns]
  (locking dynalock
    (require (symbol ns))))

With that done, net.jmglov.awno.client.api evaluates with no errors! πŸ†

Testing, testing, one two three...

Surely our tests will run now! Right?

: awno-api; bin/test
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.Exception
Message:  Could not find namespace: clojure.test.check.clojure-test.
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/impl_test.clj:3:3

Urk! Looks like awyeah-api didn't include property-based tests. Let's add test.check to our bb.edn and see what happens. And don't worry, we're only going to end up with test.check added to our runtime dependencies when running bb directly, not when using awno-api as a dependency, since deps.edn is used in that case, not bb.edn. This is important for me, since my interest in awyeah-api is solely as a way to use AWS stuff from blambda, I don't want extra stuff taking up space in my deps layer. Not to mention having test dependencies in your production code is just icky. πŸ˜…

So anyway, whacking

org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}

into the :deps map then re-running the tests yields the following:

: awno-api; bin/test
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.Exception
Message:  Could not find namespace: cognitect.client.impl-test.
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double_test.clj:3:3

Oops. Looks like cognitect.client is in need of some projectile-replace. Replacing it with net.jmglov.awno.client should do the trick.

: awno-api; bin/test
bb tests
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Message:  defrecord/deftype currently only support protocol implementations, found: ILookup
Data:     {:type :sci/error, :line 23, :column 1, :file "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double.clj"}
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double.clj:23:1
Phase:    macroexpand

Urk! At this point, I'm reminded of a funny Rich Hickey quote:

Rich Hickey giving a talk, saying the following: I think we’re in this world I’d like to call Guard Rail Programming... I can make change because I have tests! Who does that? Who drives their car around, banging against the guard rails? Do the guard rails help you get to where you want to go?

Opening up net.jmglov.awno.client.test-double, we see something familiar:

(deftype Client [info handlers]
  (valAt [this k]
    (.valAt this k nil))

  (valAt [_this k default]
    (case k
      (-> info :service :metadata :net.jmglov.awno/service-name)
      (:service info)

  (-get-info [_] info)
  ;; [...]

Why don't we repeat our tried and tested remedy of replacing deftype with defrecord, then ripping out the ILookup interface and replacing it with a map? That gives us this:

(deftype Client [info handlers]
  (-get-info [_] info)

  (-invoke [this {:keys [op request] :as op-map}]
    ;; [...]

  (-invoke-async [this {:keys [ch] :as op-map}]
    ;; [...]

  (-stop [_aws-client])
  (-instrument [client ops]
    ;; [...]

;; ->Client is intended for internal use
(alter-meta! #'->Client assoc :skip-wiki true)
(alter-meta! #'TestDoubleClient assoc :skip-wiki true)

(defn instrument
  "Given a test double client and a `:ops` map of operations to handlers,
   instruments the client with handlers. See `client` for more info about
  [client ops]
  (-instrument client ops))

(defn client
  "Given a map with :api and :ops (optional), returns a test double client that
  - will not validate response payloads"
  [{:keys [api ops]}]
  (let [service (service/service-description (name api))]
    (doto (->Client {:api (-> service :metadata
                     :service service
                     :validate-requests? (atom true)} (atom {}))
      (instrument ops))))

OK, surely the tests will run now!

: awno-api; bin/test
bb tests

Testing net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test

ERROR in (test-underlying-http-client) (/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api_test.clj:9)
defaults to shared client
expected: (= #{(shared/http-client)} (into #{(shared/http-client)} (->> clients (map (fn [c] (-> c client.protocol/-get-info :http-client))))))
  actual: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Cannot find resource net.jmglov.awno/s3/service.edn.
 at sci.lang.Var.invoke (lang.cljc:202)
    sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__4543.eval (analyzer.cljc:1399)

Testing net.jmglov.awno.util-test

Ran 48 tests containing 675 assertions.
19 failures, 33 errors.
{:test 48, :pass 623, :fail 19, :error 33, :type :summary}

A woman on a beach at sunrise with her head thrown back, saying

Well, sorta.

What the what?

bb test produced 6544 lines of output whilst failing those 19 tests and erroring out of a further 33. Let's strip away all the noise and see if we can see what's actually happening here.

: awno-api; bin/test 2>&1 >/tmp/err.log
ERROR in (test-underlying-http-client) (/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/api_test.clj:9)
defaults to shared client
expected: (= #{(shared/http-client)} (into #{(shared/http-client)} (->> clients (map (fn [c] (-> c client.protocol/-get-info :http-client))))))
  actual: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Cannot find resource net.jmglov.awno/s3/service.edn.
ERROR in (raw-response-values) (/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double_test.clj:33)
Uncaught exception, not in assertion.
expected: nil
  actual: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: null
ERROR in (test-parse-date) (/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/shape_test.clj:5)
iso8601 format handles presence and absence of fractional seconds
expected: (= #inst "2020-07-06T10:59:13.417-00:00" (shape/parse-date {:timestampFormat "iso8601"} "2020-07-06T10:59:13.417Z"))
  actual: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2020-07-06T10:59:13.417Z' could not be parsed at index 19

OK, not as bad as it could be. There are only three classes of errors here, repeated many times. The first one should be extremely simple to deal with. A quick search in the project for service.edn yields only one hit, in the net.jmglov.awno.service namespace:

(def base-ns "net.jmglov.awno")

(def base-resource-path "net.jmglov.awno")

Looks like my search and replace was a bit excessively exuberant. Let's try restoring their Cognitectiness:

(def base-ns "")

(def base-resource-path "cognitect/aws")

Before re-running all the tests, it would be quite lovely to give ourselves a way to run tests for a subset of namespaces, instead of all the ones specified in net.jmglov.awno.test. Actually, looking at run-tests, maybe we can!

(defn run-tests
   (run-tests {:test-namespaces test-namespaces}))
  ([{nses :test-namespaces}]
   (dorun (map require nses))
   (let [res (apply test/run-tests nses)]
     (pprint/pprint res)
     (when (->> ((juxt :fail :error) res)
                (some #(pos? %)))
       (System/exit 1)))))

The 1-arity version of run-tests lets us pass a map with :test-namespaces, and Babashka's -x flag uses babashka-cli to let us pass function arguments as command line flags, so we should be able to do this!

: awno-api; bb -x net.jmglov.awno.test/run-tests --test-namespaces net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Message:  Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Character
Location: /home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/test.cljc:32:4

Blerg! Looks like the value of the :test-namespaces key is a string, rather than a list of strings. Luckily, babashka-cli lets you add metadata to functions to control parsing behaviour. Let's sprinkle some on run-tests:

(defn run-tests
  {:org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:test-namespaces [:symbol]}}}
   (run-tests {:test-namespaces test-namespaces}))
  ([{nses :test-namespaces}]
   (dorun (map require nses))
   (let [res (apply test/run-tests nses)]
     (pprint/pprint res)
     (when (->> ((juxt :fail :error) res)
                (some #(pos? %)))
       (System/exit 1)))))

Now babashka-cli will coerce :test-namespaces to a list of symbols! 😲

Let's try it out on a couple of test namespaces that were actually passing:

: awno-api; bb -x net.jmglov.awno.test/run-tests \
  --test-namespaces net.jmglov.awno.config-test net.jmglov.awno.credentials-test
{:test-namespaces [net.jmglov.awno.config-test net.jmglov.awno.credentials-test]}

Testing net.jmglov.awno.config-test

Testing net.jmglov.awno.credentials-test

Ran 9 tests containing 41 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:test 9, :pass 41, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}

This looks good, so let's give api-test another go:

: awno-api; bb -x net.jmglov.awno.test/run-tests \
  --test-namespaces net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test

Testing net.jmglov.awno.client.api-test

Ran 3 tests containing 11 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:test 3, :pass 11, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}

OK, so that fix worked! Let's take a look at the next class of errors.

ERROR in (raw-response-values) (/home/jmglov/Documents/code/clojure/awno-api/test/src/net/jmglov/awno/client/test_double_test.clj:33)
Uncaught exception, not in assertion.
expected: nil
  actual: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: null


It was at this point that I ran out of steam. I apologise for my lack of dedication to the art of self-flagellation and will flagellate myself accordingly.


🏷 clojure babashka awno
πŸ“ Published: 2023-11-12
βͺ Awno! Mutilating awyeah-api
clickr, or a young man's Flickr clonejure ⏩