cljcastr, or a young man's Zencastr clonejure

A man with the Babashka logo for a face sits in front of a laptop and a mic

Who amongst us hasn't wanted to make a podcast? And of those who, who amongst them hasn't drooled over Zencastr, which is a web-based podcast recording studio thingy?

I don't even know how to answer that question, as convoluted as it got, but what I'm trying to say is that I got to see Zencastr's cool interface, and have been meaning to play around with the browser's audio / video API anyway, so why not see if I can whip up a quick Zencastr clone in Clojure? I mean, how hard can it be?

Popping in a Scittle

You may recall from my adventures cloning Flickr that I love ClojureScript but feel sad at my own lack of knowledge when trying to use shadow-cljs. You may also recall that the sweet sweet antidote to this was Scittle, which allows you to "execute Clojure(Script) directly from browser script tags via SCI". Since I'm now an expert Scittler, I figured that's the obvious place to start a Zencastr clone. So let's start a project!

$ mkdir cljcastr && cd cljcastr

Then we need a bb.edn, which we can just steal from Scittle's nrepl demo and modify ever so slightly to serve resources out of the public/ directory:

{:deps {io.github.babashka/sci.nrepl
        {:git/sha "2f8a9ed2d39a1b09d2b4d34d95494b56468f4a23"}
        {:git/sha "b38c1f16ad2c618adae2c3b102a5520c261a7dd3"}}
 :tasks {http-server {:doc "Starts http server for serving static files"
                      :requires ([babashka.http-server :as http])
                      :task (do (http/serve {:port 1341 :dir "public"})
                                (println "Serving static assets at http://localhost:1341"))}

         browser-nrepl {:doc "Start browser nREPL"
                        :requires ([sci.nrepl.browser-server :as bp])
                        :task (bp/start! {})}

         -dev {:depends [http-server browser-nrepl]}

         dev {:task (do (run '-dev {:parallel true})
                        (deref (promise)))}}}

Given this, let's create a public/index.html to bootstrap our ClojureScript:

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
    <!-- Place favicon.ico in the root directory -->

    <script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>
    <script>var SCITTLE_NREPL_WEBSOCKET_PORT = 1340;</script>
    <script src=""
    <script type="application/x-scittle" src="cljcastr.cljs"></script>

    <!--[if lt IE 8]>
      <p class="browserupgrade">
      You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please
      <a href="">upgrade your browser</a> to improve
      your experience.


And of course we need to get stylish with a public/style.css:

body {
  font-family: Proxima Nova,helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;

And finally, we need public/cljcastr.clj to script some Clojure:

;; To start a REPL:
;; bb dev
;; Then connect to it in Emacs:
;; C-c l C (cider-connect-cljs), host: localhost; port: 1339; REPL type: nbb

(ns cljcastr)

I always forget how to start the REPL and connect to it, so I left myself some nice explicit instructions, which we shall now follow. In the terminal:

$ bb dev
Serving static assets at http://localhost:1341
nREPL server started on port 1339...
Websocket server started on 1340...

We'll then visit http://localhost:1341 in the browser and open up the JavaScript console, which should say:

   :ws #object[WebSocket [object WebSocket]]

Finally, back in Emacs, hitting C-c l C (cider-connect-cljs), selecting localhost for the host, 1339 for the port, and nbb for the REPL type, then C-c C-k (cider-load-buffer) shows us this in the terminal:

:msg "{:versions {\"scittle-nrepl\" {\"major\" \"0\", \"minor\" \"0\", \"incremental\" \"1\"}}, :ops {\"complete\" {}, \"info\" {}, \"lookup\" {}, \"eval\" {}, \"load-file\" {}, \"describe\" {}, \"close\" {}, \"clone\" {}, \"eldoc\" {}}, :status [\"done\"], :id \"3\", :session \"5e3f1fb0-1f13-4db0-a25a-b63a9e7d7d72\", :ns \"cljcastr\"}"
:msg "{:value \"nil\", :id \"5\", :session \"5e3f1fb0-1f13-4db0-a25a-b63a9e7d7d72\", :ns \"cljcastr\"}"
:msg "{:status [\"done\"], :id \"5\", :session \"5e3f1fb0-1f13-4db0-a25a-b63a9e7d7d72\", :ns \"cljcastr\"}"

Exciting! Let's prove we're connected with a Rich comment:


  (println "Now we're cooking with Scittle!")  ; <- C-c C-v f c e (cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment)
  ;; => nil


If all went well, we should see glorious things in the JavaScript console:

Screenshot of a browser window with the JavaScript console displaying: Now we're cooking with Scittle!

Left to our own devices

Now that we have a solid platform to stand on (namely: the REPL), let's get on with the cljcasting! We'll start by asking ourselves what audio and video devices we have at our disposal.

Modern browsers implement the Media Capture and Streams API, which provides support for streaming audio and video data. You can read a bit about the backstory of the API in a nice little article by Eric Bidelman and Sam Dutton: Capture audio and video in HTML5. This article points to a great demo of A/V capture that Sam Dutton did.

I am relating all this because Sam Dutton's demo comes with source code that shows not tells how to use this API, and like any great artist, I stole that code and used it for my own nefarious purposes. Well, "nefarious" might be a bit of a stretch, but c'mon, I've got a reputation to uphold over here. 😅

Our entrypoint into the wonderful world of browser-based A/V is the MediaDevices interface, which is exposed as navigator.mediaDevices. MediaDevices has an instance method enumerateDevices(), which we can use to, well, enumerate the audio and video devices availabile to our browser:


  (.enumerateDevices js/navigator.mediaDevices)
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


Blergh, looks like it returns a promise instead of an actual value (OK, OK, a promise is a value, but you know what I mean). That means that we need to feed a function to the promise that actually does the thing. We do this by using Promise.then(), which calls a function when the promise is fulfilled and returns a promise which wraps the return value of the function, allowing us to chain calls in a very similar way to Clojure's threading operators, -> and ->>.

Now, before we do this, I discovered during the writing of this post that my browser hides all devices from me until I give it permission to use my audio and video devices. We can trigger that permission request with this incantation:


  (.getUserMedia js/navigator.mediaDevices #js {:video true, :audio true})
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


What should happen is that we're presented with a dialog asking for permission to use our video camera and microphone. Assuming we trust ourselves this far, we can accept and get back to seeing what mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() returns:


  (-> (.enumerateDevices js/navigator.mediaDevices)
      (.then println))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


This results in some awesome stuff being printed to the JS console:

#js [#object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[InputDeviceInfo [object InputDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]
     #object[MediaDeviceInfo [object MediaDeviceInfo]]]

OK, so we have an array of MediaDeviceInfo and InputDeviceInfo objects, which have convenient .label and .kind properties that we can avail ourselves of:


  (-> (.enumerateDevices js/navigator.mediaDevices)
      (.then (fn [devices]
               (->> devices
                    (group-by #(.-kind %))
                    (sort-by key)
                    (map (fn [[kind ds]]
                           (str kind ":\n  "
                                (str/join "\n  " (map #(.-label %) ds)))))
                    (str/join "\n")
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


This gives us something much more reasonable in the console:

  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Digital Microphone
  HD Webcam B910 Analog Stereo
  Yeti X Analog Stereo
  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output
  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 2 Output
  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 1 Output
  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Speaker + Headphones
  Yeti X Analog Stereo
  Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea)
  UVC Camera (046d:0823) (046d:0823)

This looks like useful information indeed! Let's extract some functions out of the mess we made in our REPL:

(ns cljcastr
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn log-devices [devices]
  (->> devices
       (group-by #(.-kind %))
       (sort-by key)
       (map (fn [[kind ds]]
              (str kind ":\n  "
                   (str/join "\n  " (map #(.-label %) ds)))))
       (str/join "\n")

(defn get-devices []
  (.enumerateDevices js/navigator.mediaDevices))

Now, taking inspiration from Sam Dutton's demo, let's make a UI that lets you choose your video source and stream from it into a window:

Screenshot of a browser window showing Sam Dutton's mediaDevices demo

We'll start by opening up our public/index.html and sprinkling in some UI elements:

    <!--[if lt IE 8]>

  <div id="container">
    <div class="select">
      <label for="videoSource">Video source:</label>
      <select id="videoSource"></select>
    <video autoplay muted playsinline></video>

Since the labels of my devices were quite lengthy, let's make the select quite widthy by dropping the following in public/style.css:

select {
  width: 300px;

After doing this, we'll sadly have to refresh the browser to get it to pick up the changes to index.html and style.css. We could of course add in some awesome watching and live reloading like quickblog does, but that smacks of effort and we don't have any useful state in the REPL to mourn anyway, so we'll bite our tongue and hope we don't have too many HTML or CSS changes left to make.

Now that we have the bones of a UI, let's actually populate the select element with the video devices that we've detected. We can try grabbing all of the video input devices:


  (-> (get-devices)
      (.then (fn [devices]
               (->> devices
                    (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


The JS console now reads:

  Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea)
  UVC Camera (046d:0823) (046d:0823)

Stuffing these in the select should be fairly straightforward:

(def video-select (.querySelector js/document "select#videoSource"))


  (-> (get-devices)
      (.then (fn [devices]
               (doseq [device
                       (->> devices
                            (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)))
                 (let [option (.createElement js/document "option")]
                   (set! (.-value option) (.-deviceId device))
                   (set! (.-text option)
                         (or (.-label device)
                             (str "Camera " (inc (.-length video-select)))))
                   (.appendChild video-select option))))))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


Et voilà! The browser now shows our cameras:

Screenshot of a browser window showing a selection box containing two video input sources

Having proven this works, let's make a function out of it:

(defn populate-device-selects! [devices]
  (doseq [device
          (->> devices
               (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)))
    (let [option (.createElement js/document "option")]
      (set! (.-value option) (.-deviceID device))
      (set! (.-text option)
            (or (.-label device)
                (str "Camera " (inc (.-length video-select)))))
      (.appendChild video-select option))))

In case you haven't come across this convention before, adding a ! to the end of a function name indicates that the function is mutating something, in this case, adding options to the select element.

<video> killed the Adobe Flash star

Having given ourselves a way to select a video input device, we just need to actually display the video being input into said device. For this, we'll need to avail ourselves of the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method. Given a device ID, it will "prompt the user for permission to use a media input which produces a MediaStream".

Let's check which video input device is selected:


  (.-value video-select)
  ;; => "d9862f4684c6b3f21bf95436a09b58dfa1b7a442e79aff225314e5e9bab45217"


If we feed this ID to getUserMedia(), we should get a stream back:


  (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
      (.getUserMedia (clj->js {:video {:deviceId {:exact (.-value video-select)}}}))
      (.then #(println (.getVideoTracks %))))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


This clj->js business is taking a ClojureScript hashmap and turning it into a JavaScript object with nested objects. You have to remember to use it whenever you're calling JavaScript functions that take "maps" as arguments, lest those functions basically ignore your arguments. Don't ask me how I know! 😅

As an interesting aside, ClojureScript also has a #js reader tag, which says "turn the following ClojureScript literal into the JavaScript equivalent". As an interesting aside to the aside, this is not recursive. Don't ask me how I know! 😅


  #js {:video "killed the radio star"}
  ;; => #js {:video "killed the radio star"}

  #js {:video {:deviceId {:exact (.-value video-select)}}}
  ;; => #js {:video
  ;;         {:deviceId
  ;;          {:exact
  ;;           "24705d21befb46ac4b2596716eee02c2fecb819447ef3edb91562aad41d2db50"}}}

  (clj->js {:video {:deviceId {:exact (.-value video-select)}}})
  ;; => #js {:video
  ;;         #js {:deviceId
  ;;              #js {:exact
  ;;                   "24705d21befb46ac4b2596716eee02c2fecb819447ef3edb91562aad41d2db50"}}}


OK, getting back to our code:


  (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
      (.getUserMedia (clj->js {:video {:deviceId {:exact (.-value video-select)}}}))
      (.then #(println (.getVideoTracks %))))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


When we evaluated this, two interesting things should have happened. First, the JS console should say something like this:

#js [#object[MediaStreamTrack [object MediaStreamTrack]]]

And second, the recording light on your webcam should light up. OMG we're getting somewhere! 🎉

Of course, our goal isn't simply to turn on the webcam, but rather to turn it on and then start streaming video to our webpage. This is actually pretty straightforward, compared to what we've done to get to this point.

(def video-element (.querySelector js/document "video"))


  (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
      (.getUserMedia (clj->js {:video {:deviceId {:exact (.-value video-select)}}}))
      (.then #(set! (.-srcObject video-element) %)))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


The results are bad. Unless of course you're more photogenic than I am, in which case, congrats!

Screenshot of a browser window showing a video of me

Now that we're streaming video, it looks pretty ugly to have the video pressed right up against the bottom of the select element, so let's add some margin in our style.css:

select {
  width: 300px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

With all of this plumbing, we can hook it up to the actual select box so it automatically starts playing video when we make a camera selection, rather than requiring us to go all 1337 h4ckZ0r in the REPL.

(def active-stream (atom nil))

(def video-element (.querySelector js/document "video"))

(defn log-error [e]
  (.error js/console e))

(defn log-devices [devices]
  ;; ...

(defn get-devices []
  ;; ...

(defn populate-device-selects! [devices]
  ;; ...

(defn select-device! [select-element tracks]
  (let [label (-> tracks first (.-label))
        index (->> (.-options select-element)
                   (zipmap (range))
                   (some (fn [[i option]]
                           (and (= label (.-text option)) i))))]
    (when index
      (println "Setting selected video source to index" index)
      (set! (.-selectedIndex select-element) index))))

(defn start-video! [stream]
  (reset! active-stream stream)
  (select-device! video-select (.getVideoTracks stream))
  (set! (.-srcObject video-element) stream))

(defn stop-video! []
  (when @active-stream
    (println "Stopping currently playing video")
    (doseq [track (.getTracks @active-stream)]
      (.stop track))))

(defn set-video-stream! []
  (let [video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
    (println "Getting media with constraints:" constraints)
    (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
        (.getUserMedia (clj->js constraints))
        (.then start-video!)
        (.catch log-error))))

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onchange video-select) set-video-stream!)
  (-> (set-video-stream!)
      (.then get-devices)
      (.then log-devices)
      (.then populate-device-selects!)))


  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


Let's break these functions down to see what's going on here:

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onchange video-select) set-video-stream!)
  (-> (set-video-stream!)
      ;; ...

First, we set the change handler for the video select element to the set-video-stream! function, then we call set-video-stream!.

(defn set-video-stream! []
  ;; ...

set-video-stream! calls stop-video!:

(defn stop-video! []
  (when @active-stream
    (println "Stopping currently playing video")
    (doseq [track (.getTracks @active-stream)]
      (.stop track))))

stop-video! checks to see if we have a truthy value in our active-stream atom, which we won't at this point, since we initiatise the atom with a nil value:

(def active-stream (atom nil))

Back to set-video-stream!:

(defn set-video-stream! []
  ;; ...
  (let [video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
    ;; ...

Since we haven't yet populated the video select element with video sources, video-select.value will be "", which is not not empty (in other words, it's empty), so our constraints map will look like this:


  (let [video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
  ;; => {:video {:deviceId nil}}


Feeding this to navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() will result in prompting the user for permission to access whichever of their cameras the browser considers the default, then turning on that camera and providing a MediaStream containing a video track with the input, which we then feed to start-video!.

(defn set-video-stream! []
  ;; ...
  (let [ ;; ...
    (println "Getting media with constraints:" constraints)
    (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
        (.getUserMedia (clj->js constraints))
        (.then start-video!)
        (.catch log-error))))

start-video! is fairly simple:

(defn start-video! [stream]
  (reset! active-stream stream)
  (select-device! video-select (.getVideoTracks stream))
  (set! (.-srcObject video-element) stream))

The first thing it does is reset the value of the active-stream atom to the stream returned by getUserMedia(), then calls select-device! with the video select DOM element and the video tracks of the stream, then finally sets the srcObject property of the <video> element to the stream, which results in us seeing ourselves (or whatever our default camera is aimed at).

select-device! is responsible for setting the value of a select element to the device corresponding to the first of the MediaStreamTrack objects we passed it:

(defn select-device! [select-element tracks]
  (let [label (-> tracks first (.-label))
        index (->> (.-options select-element)
                   (zipmap (range))
                   (some (fn [[i option]]
                           (and (= label (.-text option)) i))))]
    (when index
      (println "Setting selected video source to index" index)
      (set! (.-selectedIndex select-element) index))))

In this case, that will be the video select element and the video tracks from the default camera.

The tracks are labelled with the name of the device they correspond to:


  (->> (.getVideoTracks @active-stream)
       (map #(.-label %)))
  ;; => ("Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea)")


Which are the same names we used to populate our video select options:


  (->> (.-options video-select)
       (map #(.-text %)))
  ;; => ("Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea)"
  ;;     "UVC Camera (046d:0823) (046d:0823)")


To select an option, we need to set the selectedIndex property of the select element to the index corresponding to the option we want. We can turn the list of options into a map of index to option using zipmap, which takes a list of keys and a list of values and returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding values:


  (->> (.-options video-select)
       (zipmap (range)))
  ;; => {0 #object[HTMLOptionElement [object HTMLOptionElement]]
  ;;     1 #object[HTMLOptionElement [object HTMLOptionElement]]}


Finally, we need to return the index of first option where the value of the text property matches the label we're looking for:


  (->> (.-options video-select)
       (zipmap (range))
       (some (fn [[i option]]
               (and (= label (.-text option)) i)))))
  ;; => 0


Note that the some function returns the first truthy value return by the predicate function, so we can use a neat little trick to return the index:

(and (= label (.-text option)) i)

When the text matches the label, the first clause of the and will be truthy (a literal true), and the second clause, the index, will also be truthy because only false and nil are not truthy in Clojure, and and returns the last truthy value, which is the index, so the return value of some is the index corresponding to the label. Without this trick, we'd have to resort to something like this:


  (let [label "Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea)"]
    (->> (.-options video-select)
         (zipmap (range))
         (filter (fn [[i option]]
                   (= label (.-text option))))
  ;; => 0


I hope we can all agree that this is gross! 🤮

So that's what happens on the initial load of the page. If we have more than one camera, we can select it, which results in set-video-stream! being called again:

(defn set-video-stream! []
  (let [video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
    (println "Getting media with constraints:" constraints)
    (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
        (.getUserMedia (clj->js constraints))
        (.then start-video!)
        (.catch log-error))))

This time, the video select element will have a value:


  (let [video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
  ;; => {:video
  ;;     {:deviceId
  ;;      {:exact
  ;;       "24705d21befb46ac4b2596716eee02c2fecb819447ef3edb91562aad41d2db50"}}}


Hence .getUserMedia() will return a MediaStream for that specific camera, and then start-video! and the rest of it work as before.

OK, that was a lot! 😅


Now that we have video on lockdown, let's see if we can add some sweet sweet audio. We'll start with the HTML:

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">
<!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <div id="container">
    <div id="sources">
      <div class="select">
        <label for="videoSource">Video source:</label>
        <select id="videoSource"></select>
      <div class="select">
        <label for="audioSource">Audio source:</label>
        <select id="audioSource"></select>
    <video autoplay muted playsinline></video>


Note that we're wrapping the two .select divs in another div. In our style.css, we can move the margin down to this div instead of directly on the <select> elements:

div#sources {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

If we refresh the page, we'll now see a select element labelled "Audio source" pop up.

Now back to cljcastr.cljs! First we add a binding for the audio select to the top of the file alongside the video select:

(ns cljcastr
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(def video-element (.querySelector js/document "video"))
(def video-select (.querySelector js/document "select#videoSource"))
(def audio-select (.querySelector js/document "select#audioSource"))

Now, let's walk through the UI flow, starting with load-ui!, and see where to sprinkle in audio stuff:

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onchange video-select) set-video-stream!)
  (-> (set-video-stream!)
      (.then get-devices)
      (.then log-devices)
      (.then populate-device-selects!)))

Digging into set-video-stream!, it looks like we can grab the audio source in exactly the same way as we do the video one, so let's add that in:

(defn set-video-stream! []
  (let [audio-source (.-value audio-select)
        video-source (.-value video-select)
        constraints {:audio {:deviceId (when (not-empty audio-source)
                                         {:exact audio-source})}
                     :video {:deviceId (when (not-empty video-source)
                                         {:exact video-source})}}]
    (println "Getting media with constraints:" constraints)
    (-> js/navigator.mediaDevices
        (.getUserMedia (clj->js constraints))
        (.then start-video!)
        (.catch log-error))))

We should also rename the function, now that it's responsible for audio as well. set-media-stream! seems like a pretty decent name, so let's go for that! Whilst we're at the renaming, we can rename stop-video! to stop-media! as well. The contents of the function itself look pretty good, except the log statement, so we can fix that:

(defn stop-media! []
  (when @active-stream
    (println "Stopping currently playing media")
    (doseq [track (.getTracks @active-stream)]
      (.stop track))))

If we keep going in set-media-stream!, the .getUserMedia() call is fine, since we've added an audio constraint. The next thing that happens is the call to start-video!, which we can rename to start-media! and then have a look at:

(defn start-media! [stream]
  (reset! active-stream stream)
  (select-device! video-select (.getVideoTracks stream))
  (set! (.-srcObject video-element) stream))

It looks like we can use select-device! to handle the audio as well, so let's try that out:

(defn start-media! [stream]
  (reset! active-stream stream)
  (select-device! audio-select (.getAudioTracks stream))
  (select-device! video-select (.getVideoTracks stream))
  (set! (.-srcObject video-element) stream))

OK, it looks like we're in pretty good shape in set-media-stream! now, so let's keep walking through load-ui!:

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onchange video-select) set-media-stream!)
  (-> (set-media-stream!)
      (.then get-devices)
      (.then log-devices)
      (.then populate-device-selects!)))

Next up after the call to set-media-stream! is the call to get-devices, so let's dig in there:

(defn get-devices []
  (.enumerateDevices js/navigator.mediaDevices))

That looks pretty reasonable, so let's look at the final function called from load-ui!, which is populate-device-selects!.

(defn populate-device-selects! [devices]
  (doseq [device
          (->> devices
               (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)))
               (log-devices "Populating video inputs with devices"))]
    (let [option (.createElement js/document "option")]
      (set! (.-value option) (.-deviceId device))
      (set! (.-text option)
            (or (.-label device)
                (str "Camera " (inc (.-length video-select)))))
      (.appendChild video-select option))))

Yikes! 😱 Looks like we have a little refactoring to do here. After diving into the closest phonebooth (they still have those, right?) to replace our nerdy glasses with our LISP superhero cape, we can do a top-down design move and rewrite the function the way we wish it worked:

(defn populate-device-selects! [devices]
  (populate-device-select! audio-select (audio-devices devices))
  (populate-device-select! video-select (video-devices devices)))

Looks quite nice, doesn't it? Given this, let's write populate-device-select!:

(defn populate-device-select! [select-element devices]
  (let [select-label (->> (.-labels select-element) first .-textContent)]
    (doseq [device (log-devices (str "Populating options for " select-label) devices)]
      (let [option (.createElement js/document "option")]
        (set! (.-value option) (.-deviceId device))
        (set! (.-text option) (.-label device))
        (.appendChild select-element option)))))

It's nice to specify in the log output which select we're populating, and since we specified a label in our HTML:

<label for="videoSource">Video source:</label>
<select id="videoSource"></select>

we can access the label through the labels property on the select element. Since we know that we only have one label, we can take the first one and grab the value of its textContent property:

(let [select-label (->> (.-labels select-element) first .-textContent)]
  ;; ...

Pretty neat!

OK, now that we have populate-device-select!, the last two functions we need to write are audio-devices and video-devices. Well, it turns out that we've more or less already written video-devices in the original populate-device-selects! code:

(->> devices
     (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)))
     (log-devices "Populating video inputs with devices"))

Let's transform this into a function:

(defn video-devices [devices]
  (filter #(= "videoinput" (.-kind %)) devices))

Given this, writing audio-devices is just some copy / paste / query-replace:

(defn audio-devices [devices]
  (filter #(= "audioinput" (.-kind %)) devices))

We can test this out:


  (doseq [f [audio-devices video-devices]]
    (-> (get-devices)
        (.then (comp log-devices f))))
  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


We should now see something like this in the JavaScript console:

  Default (default)
  Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Digital Microphone (94edc85f1f91926d1e9f9da6995188d6263dee15e8a45a6d1add28f64f74c13b)
  HD Webcam B910 Analog Stereo (f78a32bacbfbe6ffe238b0d3b046f11bf4ed8e5ad8ce6cf25f18d431be3cd9af)
  Yeti X Analog Stereo (5af7607e641d0c8061291e648a5bec4958a588147bf0ffcc61a1ef5f2afb6cb6)
  Integrated Camera (04f2:b6ea) (d9862f4684c6b3f21bf95436a09b58dfa1b7a442e79aff225314e5e9bab45217)
  UVC Camera (046d:0823) (046d:0823) (24705d21befb46ac4b2596716eee02c2fecb819447ef3edb91562aad41d2db50)


At this point, we should be able to call load-ui! and see both the audio and video sources in their respective select dropdowns:


  ;; => #object[Promise [object Promise]]


Screenshot of a browser window showing a selection box containing four audio input sources

As a brief aside, I'm annoyed by that 404 (Not Found) when trying to get favicon.ico, so let's fix that, using lessons learned in Hacking the blog: favicon!

An iconic favicon

We'll just pop over to RealFaviconGenerator and supply a logo such as this one:

A microphone with the Clojure logo for the top part

Then download the favicon package and unzip it into our webserver root:

$ cd public
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
Archive:  /home/jmglov/Downloads/
  inflating: android-chrome-192x192.png
  inflating: mstile-150x150.png
  inflating: favicon-16x16.png
  inflating: safari-pinned-tab.svg
  inflating: favicon.ico
  inflating: site.webmanifest
  inflating: android-chrome-512x512.png
  inflating: apple-touch-icon.png
  inflating: browserconfig.xml
  inflating: favicon-32x32.png

And finally, drop this goodness into the <head> section of public/index.html:

    <!-- ... -->
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">
    <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest">
    <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
    <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
    <!-- ... -->

Reloading the cljcastr page should now show a delightful little icon in the tab.

Hey Mr. Selector

The only thing lacking at this point is adding an onchange event handler to the audio select. We can do that in load-ui!, and then we might as well call load-ui! on page load whilst we're at it:

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onchange audio-select) set-media-stream!)
  (set! (.-onchange video-select) set-media-stream!)
  (-> (set-media-stream!)
      (.then get-devices)
      (.then log-devices)
      (.then populate-device-selects!)))


Evaluating the buffer results in seeing ourselves, and we seem to be able to switch video and audio sources happily, but there's one annoying thing happening when switching audio source. Quoth the JS console:

Getting media with constraints:
Setting selected video source to index 3
Setting selected video source to index 1

It looks like that first "video source" is actually an audio source. 😬

Looking at select-device!, it's obvious why this is:

(defn select-device! [select-element tracks]
  (let [label (-> tracks first (.-label))
        index (->> (.-options select-element)
                   (zipmap (range))
                   (some (fn [[i option]]
                           (and (= label (.-text option)) i))))]
    (when index
      (println "Setting selected video source to index" index)
      (set! (.-selectedIndex select-element) index))))

Since we have the select DOM element here, we can use the same trick as in populate-device-select! to get its label. Let's extract that stuff to a function of its very own, then update populate-device-select! and select-device! to use it:

(defn label-for [element]
  (->> (.-labels element) first .-textContent))

(defn populate-device-select! [select-element devices]
  (doseq [device (log-devices (str "Populating options for "
                                   (label-for select-element))
    ;; ...

(defn select-device! [select-element tracks]
  (let [
        ;; ...
    (when index
      (println "Setting index for" (label-for select-element) index)
      (set! (.-selectedIndex select-element) index))))

This looks much better now!

Getting media with constraints:
Setting index for Audio source: 3
Setting index for Video source: 1

Stop, in the name of privacy, before you break my heart

This is all wonderful, but if you're anything like me, you probably don't like your webcam and mic surveilling you when you're not actively using them. Let's add a stop button that shuts down this whole dog and pony show. First, we can add the button in index.html:

  <div id="container">
    <div id="sources">
      <div id="selects">
        <div class="select"> <!-- ... --> </div>
        <div class="select"> <!-- ... --> </div>
      <div id="stop">
        <input id="stop" type="button" value="Stop" />
    <video autoplay muted playsinline></video>

Yes, yes, I added another <div>. Listen, I never claimed to actually know what I was doing with this whole new-fangled HTML thing, OK? Back in my day, we had Gopher and counted ourselves lucky! Also, we FTP'd files uphill both ways in a blizzard and so on.

Speaking of not knowing what I'm doing, lemme sprinkle some CSS on the top of this lovely cake:

div#sources {
  display: flex;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

div#stop {
  padding-left: 10px;

Now that we have a button, let's make it do stuff and things:

(ns cljcastr
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(def video-element (.querySelector js/document "video"))
(def video-select (.querySelector js/document "select#videoSource"))
(def audio-select (.querySelector js/document "select#audioSource"))
(def stop-button (.querySelector js/document "input#stop"))

;; ...

(defn load-ui! []
  (set! (.-onclick stop-button) stop-media!)
  ;; ...

Reload the page, click the button, and watch your face disappear!

Screenshot of a browser window showing a black video screen

And there you have it! A fully functional Zencastr clone!


Perhaps we're missing recording and connecting to other people and transcription and so on, but those are just bonus features that people don't really need for podcasting, right? Anyway, I'm quite proud of what we accomplished in 106 lines of ClojureScript! 🏆

The 40 rules of loving Elif Şafak

Elif Şafak sitting on a desk with bookshelves in the background and a lamp with a pink shade in the foreground

It's Valentine's Day, so let's talk about love. Specifically, let's talk about the forty rules of love. 💕

If you haven't heard of Elif Şafak (pronounced "Shafak" in English), you are in good company, if you consider me from six years ago to be good company (no offence if you don't; we don't know each other that well—unless we do, in which case whyyyyyyyy don't you like me?). In fact, if you haven't heard of her, you are a lucky lucky person, because you have literary treats beyond your imagination in your future! A writer partial to a pun might even go so far as to call her books Turkish delights. I, of course, would never be so prosaic.

I first discovered Elif Şafak through my wife, who has absolutely exquisite taste in books. She was reading "The Bastard of Istanbul", and she kept reading passages out loud to me. I told her that I wanted to read it as soon as she finished, and she told me that she actually had another of Elif Şafak's books, "Honour", and that I should definitely read it.

I grabbed it off the bookshelf immediately and dove into a story of "a young Kurdish woman in London trying to come to terms with the terrible murder her brother has committed." This is a really serious topic, and Şafak approaches from a modern secular feminist perspective, whilst managing to be both critical of and respectful of Islam. The book is also side-splittingly funny at times, and this is typical of her writing. She weaves humour throughout her at times heart-rending stories, and is a masterful observer of people who uses her sharp wit to ridicule at times, but also draws upon a deep wellspring of compassion to paint her characters as complex humans instead of cartoon villains.

By the time I finished "Honour", my wife was done with "The Bastard of Istanbul", so I started it right away. And if "Honour" engaged me, "The Bastard of Istanbul" grabbed me by the shirt collar and wouldn't let go until I finished it, for it was set in Istanbul, a city that had long fascinated me. Here's the setup for the book:

Whatever falls from the sky above, thou shall not curse it.

That includes the rain.

No matter what might pour down, no matter how heavy the cloudburst or how icy the sleet, you should never ever utter profanities against whatever the heavens might have in store for us. Everybody knows this. And that includes Zeliha.

Yet, there she was on this first Friday of July, walking on a sidewalk that flowed next to hopelessly clogged traffic; rushing to an appointment she was now late for, swearing like a trooper, hissing one profanity after another at the broken pavement stones, at her high heels, at the man stalking her, at each and every driver who honked frantically when it was an urban fact that clamor had no effect on unclogging traffic, at the whole Ottoman dynasty for once upon a time conquering the city of Constantinople, and then sticking by its mistake, and yes, at the rain . . . this damn summer rain.

OK, I said that the story is set in Istanbul, which is true, but it's only part of the truth. It's also set in Tucson, Arizona and San Francisco. It follows two characters, Asya Kazancı and Armanoush Tchakhmakhchian, and shows how their families are connected through the Armenian Genocide.

If you know anything about modern Türkiye, you might know that there's a law against "insulting Turkishness", and some right wing lawyer actually used it to sue Elif Şafak in 2006. Despite the prosecutor initially dropping the charges after finding no insult, the lawyer appealed to a higher court. Şafak faced up to three years in prison, but was fortunately acquitted due to lack of legal grounds and insufficient evidence (see the Wikipedia article for more details.) This kind of legal harassment continued to dog her, leading her to eventually emigrate to London.

The next of her books that my wife bought would become my favourite: "The Forty Rules of Love". It is set in 13th centural Anatolia, and also 21st century USA. It tells the story of the historical figure Rumi, who was a Muslim cleric who had a chance meeting with a wandering dervish named Shams (who is also a historical figure, something I didn't know until writing this post) and became transformed into one of the greatest romantic poets the world has ever known. The story is revealed to us as it's revealed to Ella, a 21st century housewife who receives a mysterious book called "Sweet Blashemy" in the post.

"The Forty Rules of Love" is not only my favourite Elif Şafak book, it's one of my favourite books, full stop. Please please please do yourself the favour of reading it. You won't regret it! And if you do, please write to me and explain why you regretted it, so I can tell you that you didn't in fact regret it, but only thought you did. Or maybe don't @ me at all. Your choice, really.

So why do I bring up Elif Şafak now? Well, I just read another of her books, "Three Daughters of Eve", which almost displaced "The Forty Rules of Love" as my fav. This book is:

a story about identity, politics, religion, women and God. It is the story of Peri, a young Turkish woman who grows up observing the clash between her father's lonely secularism and her mother's Islamic religiosity. Peri earns a scholarship from Oxford University and arrives in England. She becomes friends with the charming Shirin, an atheist Iranian girl, and Mona, a headscarved Egyptian-American. It is an unlikely friendship among three very different girls from Muslim backgrounds. Shirin, “the sinner”, Mona, “the believer”, and Peri, “the Confused.”

Peri's life changes dramatically when she meets the charismatic but controversial Professor Azur who teaches about God. Peri falls in love but it is a love that will only bring an unexpected twist and a dark secret that she will have to carry for many years to come. By observing Peri's life in contemporary Istanbul, Shafak takes a close look at Turkey today and reveals the problems that Turkish society hides within.

In true Şafak fashion (Şafashion?), the story is told in two different times, starting out in present day Istanbul, but flashing back to Peri's childhood in Istanbul in the 1980s and then Oxford in the 1990s as events unfolding in the present trigger Peri's memories of her youth.

I guess my point is that Elif Şafak is super awesome and you should read her books. 😂

I for one still have a few to go.

A portion of a bookshelf holding many books by Elif Şafak

Playing on the Babashka playground

A child with the Babashka logo as a face on a playground slide

As a longtime Linux user, I often find myself starting to type a complicated command. As a longtime programmer, I often find myself thinking, "Maybe I should just automate this," and open up a in Emacs. As a longtime Bash scripter, I often find myself hundreds of lines into a script and looking up how to do string substition for the 60,000th time. As a recent-ish convert to Babashka, I often find myself closing the buffer quickly and opening instead. As a true believer in the power of the REPL, I often ask myself why I'm writing code in and then executing it in my terminal and rolling my eyes when it doesn't work and going back to Emacs and changing something and executing it in my terminal again like a caveman instead of just C-c C-v f c e-ing like a normal person.

Surely there must be a better way!

Blackadder saying: I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel

Enter the playground! And not just any playground, but a playground where joyous Babashkas (Babashki?) frolic, REPLing their little hearts out!

Here's what I did:

Constructing the playground

First, I created a directory called bb-playground and dropped a bb.edn in it:

{:paths ["dev" "src"]}

Now if I create a dev/user.clj, I can start playing around in my REPL:

(ns user
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

;; 1. Start a REPL with C-c M-j
;; 2. Evaluate this buffer with C-c C-k


  ;; Do fun stuff here by putting your cursor at the end of an expression and
  ;; whacking C-c C-v f c e

  (->> (System/getProperties)
       (filter (fn [[k _]] (str/starts-with? k "babashka.")))
       (into {}))
  ;; => {"babashka.version" "1.3.188",
  ;;     "babashka.config" "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/bb-playground/bb.edn"}


That was quite easy, and very useful if I just want to play around with Clojure or any of the libraries that ship with Babashka, but what if I want to do something like list all of the objects in a certain S3 bucket with a specific prefix?

Making the playground more fun

In order to do what I want, I'm going to need my old favourite awyeah-api, which itself needs some friends from the the Cognitect aws-api library:

{:deps { {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "848.2.1413.0"}
        com.grzm/awyeah-api {:git/url ""
                             :git/sha "e5513349a2fd8a980a62bbe0d45a0d55bfcea141"
                             :git/tag "v0.8.84"}
        org.babashka/spec.alpha {:git/url ""
                                 :git/sha "1a841c4cc1d4f6dab7505a98ed2d532dd9d56b78"}}}

So I could just paste those deps into my bb.edn, but I want the latest and greatest from the AWS APIs, which I can grab from aws-api/latest-releases.edn, but then I have to get git hashes for awyeah-api and org.babashka/spec.alpha and paste them into my bb.edn and that seems like a lot of work that I'm too lazy to do.

What I can do instead is use the power of neil to add my dependencies for me!

Since someone has been lovely enough to add neil to nixpkgs, installing it is as easy as plopping it into my home.nix and running:

: ~; sudo nixos-rebuild switch 

Now I can add dependencies like this:

: bb-playground; neil dep add --deps-file bb.edn

The only problem is that I'm never in a million years going to remember all the arguments to neil. 🤔

Working around my poor memory

What if my bb.edn knew how to add dependencies to itself? Like, could I just run:

bb add-dep

and be done with it? Even I should be able to remember that! 😅

Well, Babashka has this thing called the task runner, whereby you can drop stuff like this in your bb.edn:

 {:requires ([babashka.fs :as fs])
  clean (do (println "Removing target folder.")
            (fs/delete-tree "target"))

and then run:

$ ls target
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 jmglov users 107 Dec 18 13:28 stuff.jar
$ bb clean
Removing target folder.
$ ls target
ls: cannot access 'target': No such file or directory

So with this, let's add a task to our bb.edn!

{:paths ["dev" "src"]
 :deps { {:mvn/version ""}}
 :aliases {}
 {add-dep (println "What to do, what to do?")}}

And try it out:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep
What to do, what to do?

Cool! Now, if we think about what we want to do, it's basically: prepend "neil dep add –deps-file bb.edn" to the command line passed to bb add-dep. According to the docs: >

Command line arguments are available as command-line-args, just like in Clojure.

We can drop this in our bb.edn:

{ ; ...
 {add-dep (println "ARGS:" *command-line-args*)}}}

And see what the command line looks like when we play around:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep

OK, nice. So now we want to pass that along to neil. We can do this with babashka.process/shell:

{ ; ...
 {:requires ([babashka.process :as p])
  add-dep (apply p/shell "neil dep add --deps-file bb.edn" *command-line-args*)}}

Now let's try this out:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep

: bb-playground; cat bb.edn 
{:paths ["dev" "src"]
 :deps { {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "848.2.1413.0"}}
 :aliases {}
 {:requires ([babashka.process :as p]
             [clojure.string :as str])
  add-dep (apply p/shell "neil dep add --deps-file bb.edn" *command-line-args*)}}

OMG wat!

Another cool thing we can do with the task runner is ask it what tasks we can run:

: bb-playground; bb tasks
The following tasks are available:


We can even make this nicer by adding a description to the task:

{ ; ...
 {:requires ([babashka.process :as p])
  add-dep {:doc "Add a dependency to the playground"
           :task (apply p/shell "neil dep add --deps-file bb.edn" *command-line-args*)}}}

Now we get some additional memory joggage:

: bb-playground; bb tasks
The following tasks are available:

add-dep Add a dependency to the playground

OK, but what if we don't remember what args add-dep takes? Let's try asking for help:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep --help
Usage: neil add dep [lib] [options]
  --lib                         Fully qualified library name.
  --version                     Optional. When not provided, picks newest version from Clojars or Maven Central.
  --sha                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-sha                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest SHA from it.
  --tag                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-tag                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest tag from it.
  --deps/root                   Sets deps/root to give value.
  --as                          Use as dependency name in deps.edn
  --alias      <alias>          Add to alias <alias>.
  --deps-file  <file>  deps.edn Add to <file> instead of deps.edn.

Oh neat! Of course, it's a bit confusing that the usage line says "neil add dep" instead of "bb add-dep". Let's fix that!

{ ; ...
 {:requires ([babashka.process :as p]
             [clojure.string :as str])
  add-dep {:doc "Add a dependency to the playground"
           :task (let [args (or *command-line-args* ["--help"])
                       neil-args (concat ["neil" "dep" "add" "--deps-file" "bb.edn"] args)
                       {:keys [out]} (apply p/shell {:out :string} neil-args)]
                   (if (= "--help" (first args))
                     (->> [(str/replace out "Usage: neil add dep" "Usage: bb add-dep")
                           "bb add-dep"
                           "bb add-dep --version 848.2.1413.0"
                           "bb add-dep grzm/awyeah-api --latest-sha"]
                          (str/join "\n")
                     (println out)))}}}

Now if we ask for help:

Usage: bb add-dep [lib] [options]
  --lib                         Fully qualified library name.
  --version                     Optional. When not provided, picks newest version from Clojars or Maven Central.
  --sha                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-sha                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest SHA from it.
  --tag                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-tag                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest tag from it.
  --deps/root                   Sets deps/root to give value.
  --as                          Use as dependency name in deps.edn
  --alias      <alias>          Add to alias <alias>.
  --deps-file  <file>  deps.edn Add to <file> instead of deps.edn.


bb add-dep
bb add-dep --version 848.2.1413.0
bb add-dep grzm/awyeah-api --latest-sha

The one problem with all of this is that we've been doing the thing that I was complaining about at the top: writing some code, saving the file, executing it in a terminal, realising it doesn't quite work, going back to the editor... etc.

Christopher Walken cowbell meme: I've got a fever... and the only prescription is more REPL

Getting back to the REPL

OK, so remember the REPL we had running over in dev/user.clj? We can use that to drive our bb.edn development. Let's create a src/tasks.clj file and copy all the add-dep stuff over to it:

(ns tasks
  (:require [babashka.process :as p]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn add-dep [command-line-args]
  (let [args (or command-line-args ["--help"])
        neil-args (concat ["neil" "dep" "add" "--deps-file" "bb.edn"] args)
        {:keys [out]} (apply p/shell {:out :string} neil-args)]
    (if (= "--help" (first args))
      (->> [(str/replace out "Usage: neil add dep" "Usage: bb add-dep")
            "bb add-dep"
            "bb add-dep --version 848.2.1413.0"
            "bb add-dep grzm/awyeah-api --latest-sha"]
           (str/join "\n")
      (println out))))

Let's give it a C-c C-k to evaluate the buffer, just to make sure everything is in order. 😉

Now we can use this from bb.edn

{:paths ["dev" "src"]
 :deps { {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "848.2.1413.0"}}
 :aliases {}
 {:requires ([tasks])
  add-dep {:doc "Add a dependency to the playground"
           :task (tasks/add-dep *command-line-args*)}}}

And just to verify that it still works:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep --help
Usage: bb add-dep [lib] [options]
  --lib                         Fully qualified library name.
  --version                     Optional. When not provided, picks newest version from Clojars or Maven Central.
  --sha                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-sha                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest SHA from it.
  --tag                         When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo.
  --latest-tag                  When provided, assumes lib refers to Github repo and then picks latest tag from it.
  --deps/root                   Sets deps/root to give value.
  --as                          Use as dependency name in deps.edn
  --alias      <alias>          Add to alias <alias>.
  --deps-file  <file>  deps.edn Add to <file> instead of deps.edn.


bb add-dep
bb add-dep --version 848.2.1413.0
bb add-dep grzm/awyeah-api --latest-sha

From now on, we won't need to leave our REPL to develop our tasks! Let's prove it by making add-dep print out the new dependencies after adding them:

(ns tasks
  (:require [babashka.process :as p]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]
            [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn add-dep [command-line-args]
  (let [ ; ...
    (if (= "--help" (first args))
      ;; ...
        (println "Dependency added. Dependencies are now:")
        (-> (slurp "bb.edn")


  (add-dep ["grzm/awyeah-api"])
  ;; nil


The REPL buffer should now say:

Dependency added. Dependencies are now:
{ #:mvn{:version ""}, #:mvn{:version "848.2.1413.0"},
 #:git{:url "",
       :sha "d98a9f6210c61d64f22e9b577d2254d6f6d2f35f"}}

Hoorah! And just to prove that this also works from the terminal:

: bb-playground; bb add-dep babashka/spec.alpha
Dependency added. Dependencies are now:
{ #:mvn{:version ""}, #:mvn{:version "848.2.1413.0"},
 #:git{:url "",
       :sha "d98a9f6210c61d64f22e9b577d2254d6f6d2f35f"},
 #:git{:url "",
       :sha "951b49b8c173244e66443b8188e3ff928a0a71e7"}}

So about listing that bucket...

If we pop back over to user.clj and give it a C-c C-k get our REPL firmly planted back in that namespace, let's start REPL-driving some S3 goodness:

(ns user
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws]))


  (def s3 (aws/client {:api :s3}))


Tragically, the second we try to evaluate this, everything goes a bit sideways:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not locate com/grzm/awyeah/client/, com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.clj or com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.cljc on classpath.
{:type :sci/error, :line 2, :column 3, :message "Could not locate com/grzm/awyeah/client/, com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.clj or com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.cljc on classpath.", :sci.impl/callstack #object[clojure.lang.Volatile 0x70ac29ff {:status :ready, :val ({:line 2, :column 3, :file "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/bb-playground/dev/user.clj", :ns #object[sci.lang.Namespace 0x460699aa "user"]})}], :file "/home/jmglov/Documents/code/bb-playground/dev/user.clj"}
 at sci.impl.utils$rethrow_with_location_of_node.invokeStatic (utils.cljc:135)
Caused by: Could not locate com/grzm/awyeah/client/, com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.clj or com/grzm/awyeah/client/api.cljc on classpath.
 at babashka.main$exec$fn__32207$load_fn__32218.invoke (main.clj:924)
    sci.impl.load$handle_require_libspec.invokeStatic (load.cljc:163)

Oh yes, our REPL was started before we added all the dependencies. 🤦🏼

Now, if you thought for a second about restarting the REPL, this is clearly your first time on this blog. We never take the coward's way out around here! Even (or especially) when that would be super fast and easy and the alternative is many many keystrokes and the occasional muttered curse word under our breath!

So let's screw our courage to the sticking point and hotload those damned dependencies! (OK, so the cursing isn't always under our breath.)

(ns user
  (:require [babashka.deps :as deps]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]))


  (-> (slurp "bb.edn")
  ;; => nil

  (require '[com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws])
  ;; => nil


Exceptional! Or rather, not exceptional, since no exceptions were thrown. Which is what we wanted. 😅

This actually looks pretty useful, so let's make it a function so we can just call it whenever we add a dependency:

(ns user
  (:require [babashka.deps :as deps]
            [clojure.edn :as edn]))

(defn refresh-deps []
  (-> (slurp "bb.edn")

Having done this, we can get back to listing stuff in S3.


  (def s3 (aws/client {:api :s3, :region "eu-west-1"}))
  ;; => #'user/s3

  (->> (aws/invoke s3 {:op :ListObjectsV2
                       :request {:Bucket ""}})
  ;; => 1000


Oh my, that's a lot of stuff! And it's somewhat suspicious that it's exactly 1000 stuffs. Especially since 1000 is the default page size for the ListObjectsV2 API request. In fact, I seem to remember writing a couple blog posts about paging and S3. I'll just go ahead and liberate some code from that second post there:

(ns user
  (:require [babashka.deps :as deps]
            [com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws]
            [clojure.edn :as edn])
  (:import (java.time Instant)))

(defmacro ->map [& ks]
  (assert (every? symbol? ks))
  (zipmap (map keyword ks)

(defn lazy-concat [colls]
   (when-first [c colls]
     (lazy-cat c (lazy-concat (rest colls))))))

(defn log [msg data]
  (prn {:msg msg
        :data data
        :timestamp (str (Instant/now))}))

(defn error [msg data]
  (log msg data)
  (throw (ex-info msg data)))

(defn validate-aws-response [res]
  (when (:cognitect.anomalies/category res)
    (let [data (merge (select-keys res [:cognitect.anomalies/category])
                      {:err-msg (:Message res)
                       :err-type (:__type res)})]
      (error "AWS request failed" data)))

(defn mk-s3-req
  ([s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size]
   (mk-s3-req s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size nil))
  ([s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size continuation-token]
   (merge {:Bucket s3-bucket
           :Prefix prefix}
          (when s3-page-size
            {:MaxKeys s3-page-size})
          (when continuation-token
            {:ContinuationToken continuation-token}))))

(defn get-s3-page [{:keys [s3-client s3-bucket s3-page-size]}
                   {continuation-token :NextContinuationToken
                    truncated? :IsTruncated
                    page-num :page-num
                    :as prev}]
  (when prev (log "Got page" (dissoc prev :Contents)))
  (let [page-num (inc (or page-num 0))
        done? (false? truncated?)
        request (mk-s3-req s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size continuation-token)
        response (when-not done?
                   (log (format "Requesting page %d" page-num) request)
                   (-> (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjectsV2
                                              :request request})
                       (assoc :page-num page-num)))]

(defn list-objects [{:keys [s3-bucket limit] :as logs-client} prefix]
  (log "Listing S3 objects" (merge (->map s3-bucket prefix)
                                   (when limit {:limit limit})))
  (let [apply-limit (if limit (partial take limit) identity)]
    (->> (iteration (partial get-s3-page logs-client prefix)
                    :vf :Contents)
         (map :Key))))

I won't explain all this here. If you're curious, please do read the Page 2 post.

In any case, having done all of this, let's try using it:


  (def cfg {:aws-region "eu-west-1"
            :s3-bucket ""
            :s3-page-size 1000})
  ;; => #'user/cfg

  (def ctx (assoc cfg :s3-client
                  (aws/client {:api :s3, :region "eu-west-1"})))
  ;; => #'user/ctx

  (->> (list-objects ctx "")
       (take 5))
  ;; => (".write_access_check_file.temp"
  ;;     "1-what-do-i-want.json"
  ;;     "Abeba_Birhane.json"
  ;;     "Adrian_C_Jackson.json"
  ;;     "Advice_Aniyia_Williams.json")


Now we're getting somewhere!

No one is afraid of JSON Voorhees

I recall using this bucket for some transcription I did for the excellent Conversations with Kim Crayton podcast, which is what all those JSON files are. Perhaps I can do some organising here by moving them to a separate "folder". Let's just see how many I'm dealing with here:

(ns user
  (:require ; ...
            [clojure.string :as str])
  (:import (java.time Instant)))


  (->> (list-objects ctx "")
       (filter #(str/ends-with? % ".json"))
  ;; => 224


And how many of these are in the "root directory"?


  (->> (list-objects ctx "")
       (filter #(and (str/ends-with? % ".json")
                     (not (str/includes? % "/"))))
  ;; => 209


That is many! Let's see about moving one into another folder:


  (def src-filename (->> (list-objects ctx "")
                         (filter #(and (str/ends-with? % ".json")
                                       (not (str/includes? % "/"))))
  ;; => #'user/src-filename

  (aws/invoke (:s3-client ctx) {:op :GetObject
                                :request {:Bucket (:s3-bucket ctx)
                                          :Key src-filename}})
  ;; => {:LastModified #inst "2023-02-25T10:40:19.000-00:00",
  ;;     :ETag "\"95a40408c21908a18e596f9b46eb10ac\"",
  ;;     :Body
  ;;     #object[ 0x19011b9f ""],
  ;;     :Metadata {},
  ;;     :ServerSideEncryption "AES256",
  ;;     :ContentLength 290662,
  ;;     :ContentType "binary/octet-stream",
  ;;     :AcceptRanges "bytes",
  ;;     :VersionId "ROt3VOKf67.OaoHFFsBTWCVSL4vIb7MI"}


OK, seems like the :Body is what we want here. It's an input stream, which is exactly what the PutObject API request wants, according to aws-api/examples/s3_examples.clj. Let's give it a shot:


  (def target-filename (format "podcasts/conversations-with-kim-crayton/%s" src-filename))
  ;; => #'user/target-filename

  (let [{:keys [s3-client s3-bucket]} ctx
        obj (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :GetObject
                                   :request {:Bucket s3-bucket
                                             :Key src-filename}})]
    (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :PutObject
                           :request {:Bucket s3-bucket
                                     :Key target-filename
                                     :Body (:Body obj)}}))
  ;; => {:ETag "\"95a40408c21908a18e596f9b46eb10ac\"",
  ;;     :ServerSideEncryption "AES256",
  ;;     :VersionId "KuURLdZOq.qwk3Q6OYNG92Q2C49JYivc"}

  (aws/invoke (:s3-client ctx) {:op :GetObject
                                :request {:Bucket (:s3-bucket ctx)
                                          :Key target-filename}})
  ;; => {:LastModified #inst "2024-02-08T15:37:40.000-00:00",
  ;;     :ETag "\"95a40408c21908a18e596f9b46eb10ac\"",
  ;;     :Body
  ;;     #object[ 0x65579e67 ""],
  ;;     :Metadata {},
  ;;     :ServerSideEncryption "AES256",
  ;;     :ContentLength 290662,
  ;;     :ContentType "binary/octet-stream",
  ;;     :AcceptRanges "bytes",
  ;;     :VersionId "KuURLdZOq.qwk3Q6OYNG92Q2C49JYivc"}


Now all we have to do is remove the "file" from the "root directory":


  (aws/invoke (:s3-client ctx) {:op :DeleteObject
                                :request {:Bucket (:s3-bucket ctx)
                                          :Key src-filename}})
  ;; => {:DeleteMarker true, :VersionId "sY4dbN7Knyff0B67Id5BeenVAT1bmN.k"}

  (aws/invoke (:s3-client ctx) {:op :GetObject
                                :request {:Bucket (:s3-bucket ctx)
                                          :Key src-filename}})
  ;; => {:Error
  ;;     {:HostIdAttrs {},
  ;;      :KeyAttrs {},
  ;;      :Message "The specified key does not exist.",
  ;;      :Key "1-what-do-i-want.json",
  ;;      :CodeAttrs {},
  ;;      :RequestIdAttrs {},
  ;;      :HostId
  ;;      "kE4zTuMao5e8TbMPn7rs1h48fNc9kEuMfBqLmayvcP+/SmEfbgfBGCsmJ3iZKcl6hpeyYKvSWXU=",
  ;;      :MessageAttrs {},
  ;;      :RequestId "YV31XT7C98PQWTMX",
  ;;      :Code "NoSuchKey"},
  ;;     :ErrorAttrs {},
  ;; 404,
  ;;     :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/not-found,
  ;; "NoSuchKey"}


Bill and Ted saying: excellent

Getting all corporate and boring and stuff

We've been happily playing on the playground, but now we've created some stuff that might be useful, specifically a function that lists a bunch of objects and some code that moves an object from one key to another. Let's apply some organisation to make this stuff more reusable.

First, we can move all of the utility functions out of user.clj into a new src/util.clj file:

(ns util
  (:import (java.time Instant)))

(defmacro ->map [& ks]
  (assert (every? symbol? ks))
  (zipmap (map keyword ks)

(defn lazy-concat [colls]
   (when-first [c colls]
     (lazy-cat c (lazy-concat (rest colls))))))

(defn log [msg data]
  (prn {:msg msg
        :data data
        :timestamp (str (Instant/now))}))

(defn error [msg data]
  (log msg data)
  (throw (ex-info msg data)))

And then the S3-specific stuff goes in a new src/s3.clj file:

(ns s3
  (:require [com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws]
            [clojure.string :as str]
            [util :refer [log error lazy-concat ->map]]))

(defn validate-aws-response [res]
  (when (:cognitect.anomalies/category res)
    (let [data (merge (select-keys res [:cognitect.anomalies/category])
                      {:err-msg (:Message res)
                       :err-type (:__type res)})]
      (error "AWS request failed" data)))

(defn mk-s3-req
  ([s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size]
   (mk-s3-req s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size nil))
  ([s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size continuation-token]
   (merge {:Bucket s3-bucket
           :Prefix prefix}
          (when s3-page-size
            {:MaxKeys s3-page-size})
          (when continuation-token
            {:ContinuationToken continuation-token}))))

(defn get-s3-page [{:keys [s3-client s3-bucket s3-page-size]}
                   {continuation-token :NextContinuationToken
                    truncated? :IsTruncated
                    page-num :page-num
                    :as prev}]
  (when prev (log "Got page" (dissoc prev :Contents)))
  (let [page-num (inc (or page-num 0))
        done? (false? truncated?)
        request (mk-s3-req s3-bucket prefix s3-page-size continuation-token)
        response (when-not done?
                   (log (format "Requesting page %d" page-num) request)
                   (-> (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjectsV2
                                              :request request})
                       (assoc :page-num page-num)))]

(defn list-objects [{:keys [s3-bucket limit] :as logs-client} prefix]
  (log "Listing S3 objects" (merge (->map s3-bucket prefix)
                                   (when limit {:limit limit})))
  (let [apply-limit (if limit (partial take limit) identity)]
    (->> (iteration (partial get-s3-page logs-client prefix)
                    :vf :Contents)
         (map :Key))))

(defn mk-client [{:keys [aws-region] :as cfg}]
  (assoc cfg :s3-client
         (aws/client {:api :s3, :region aws-region})))

With this plumbing, let's write a function that actually moves an object:

(defn move-object [{:keys [s3-client s3-bucket] :as ctx} source-key target-key]
  (let [obj (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :GetObject
                                   :request {:Bucket s3-bucket
                                             :Key source-key}})]
    (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :PutObject
                           :request {:Bucket s3-bucket
                                     :Key target-key
                                     :Body (:Body obj)}})
    (aws/invoke (:s3-client ctx) {:op :DeleteObject
                                  :request {:Bucket s3-bucket
                                            :Key source-key}})))

And now back in user.clj, let's try it all out:


  (let [source-key (->> (s3/list-objects ctx "")
                        (filter #(and (str/ends-with? % ".json")
                                      (not (str/includes? % "/"))))
        target-key (format "podcasts/conversations-with-kim-crayton/%s" source-key)]
    (s3/move-object ctx source-key target-key))
  ;; => {:DeleteMarker true, :VersionId "B6.FetnSH9qYS7FwCJOuY0NxiPL1ur7b"}


Wrapping it all up in a neat little package

Having built this beautiful little playground, I now have a REPL just lying around that I can try stuff out in, automate little things that I would normally do with a Bash "one-liner" that quickly grows into a Bash "100-liner", and if and when I discover useful little functions, move them into namespaces under src/, ready to be copied and pasted into real programs.